Our Savior's Church - Lafayette
Discussion Guide

Challenge of Change

Pastor Joseph Aranza
March 10, 2024

Main Idea

The main idea of Pastor Joseph's message was that accepting Jesus leads to profound personal change, a process that involves both letting go of the past and stepping boldly into new opportunities and challenges. He stressed that this transformation is continuous and essential for all believers, regardless of the duration of their faith journey. This change is not just about personal benefit but about becoming agents of change in a world desperate for the hope and love Jesus offers.

Scripture References

Mark 1:19-20, John 1:14, Matthew 5:13, Ephesians 4:32, Philippians 4:19

Discuss a time when proximity to Jesus brought a significant change in your life. How did it feel, and what were the outcomes?

You don't need to fully understand God's plan to start following His call. Obedience to His voice is paramount, even when His vision isn't clear to you.

Why do you think letting go of past comforts is often required to embrace the change God offers?

Discussion Questions:

How can we practically trust in God's provision when stepping out in faith, according to Philippians 4:19?

In what ways can you be a 'change agent' like Jesus in your own community?

What does 'stepping out of the boat' look like in your current life situation? Share practical steps.

True transformation in life starts the moment you say 'yes' to Jesus, allowing His power to work through you to create change.


Pastor Joseph shared how proximity to Jesus inevitably leads to change, illustrated by the transformation in his own life after encountering Christ. He emphasized the process of sanctification, where change involves leaving old habits and embracing new directions, as crucial for personal growth. Pastor Joseph cited the story of James and John in Mark 1:19-20, who left their old lives behind to follow Jesus, highlighting the transformative power of Jesus's presence and the necessity of change for true discipleship.

Call to Action

Some next steps to take this week:

Identify and let go of something from your past that is hindering your spiritual growth today.

Step out in faith this week in an area where you feel God is calling you to trust Him more deeply.

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